The United Nations in Zambia

Photo: © UN Zambia

The United Nations in Zambia comprises 24 agencies (Resident and Non-Resident agencies) namely: FAO, IFAD, ILO, IOM, ITC, OHCHR, UN WOMEN, UNAIDS, UNCDF, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNECA, UNEP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UN-HABITAT, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNIDO, UNODC, UNOPS, WFP, WHO and WMO.

The support of the UN System in Zambia is coordinated under Zambia- United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023–2027, developed in close partnership with the Government of the Republic of Zambia and in consultation with development partners, enables a coherent UN response supporting Zambia to achieve the 2030 Agenda, the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the country’s National Vision 2030.

In the case of Zambia, the UNSDCF 2023–2027 formulation process was informed by a consultative Common Country Analysis; Zambia’s Vision 2030 and its Eighth National Development Plan (8NDP) covering the period 2022–2026; the external, independent evaluation of the UN Sustainable Development Partnership Framework 2016–2022; the COVID-19 Recovery Needs Assessment; and agencies consultations.

It was also informed by a comprehensive configuration exercise that looked at all the capacities and resources available to achieve the goals and targets of the UNSDCF 2023–2027 and ultimately led to the reinforcement of the Zambia United Nations Country Team (UNCT) for the 2023–2027 period.

The Cooperation Framework focuses on four pillars: Peace, People, Prosperity and Planet, with Partnership mainstreamed across these pillars. It is aligned with the Government’s development priorities and considers the country’s macroeconomic situation as well as the critical impact of climate change, which continues to hamper progress towards SDGs attainment. Furthermore, it aims at reinforcing the Peace–Humanitarian–Development Nexus, to make it possible to respond to crisis in a sustainable way.

The Cooperation Framework addresses core UN programming principles – namely, Leaving No One Behind (LNOB); a Human Rights-Based Approach; Gender Equality; Resilience; Sustainability; and Accountability.


Key Outcomes of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2023–2027

The Sustainable Development Goals in Zambia

The Sustainable Development Goals are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the earth’s environment and climate, and ensure that people everywhere can enjoy peace and prosperity. These are the goals the UN is working on in Zambia: